Our newest addition to our online banking service, My Money Manager, is live now!  Check out this powerful new financial management software by logging into Virtual Branch!

My Money Manager is one of the most powerful financial management systems available.  It will help you keep a close eye on exactly what is coming in and going out of your accounts every month.  The best part is, it’s completely customizable to your preferences.  If you want to track your spending on “Dining Out” but not on “Groceries,” simply set up your spending targets to do just that.

My Money Manager lets you:

  • Access all of your accounts in one convenient place.
  • Set a budget and track it.
  • View expenses at a glance.
  • Gauge available cash for each day of the month.
  • View a chronological transaction log for all of your connected accounts.
  • Set custom savings and debt payoff goals.
  • Set custom spending targets.

Special Member Training Session:

Please join us on:

Wednesday, March 1st

12:00 PM

2114 Big Bend Blvd.

Richmond Heights, MO 63117

RSVP to Sam Davis by email – sdavis@hcfcu4u.org or by calling 314-446-3550.